Wednesday, February 24, 2010

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political and economic concentration in the capital has been the biggest inheritance from the past century, as we enter the new century without us removed the cancerous tumor is centralism. The distrust of self-governing capacities of the regions, the capital's paranoia of territorial disintegration and the tradition of centralization in the capital have historically established concentration model that has stifled all efforts of the provinces and autonomous regions. However, we run the risk of being absorbed by a wicked poke in the past, perhaps because in the endless search explanation of our arrears, hoping to be exempted from responsibility for them?
it is time to face and "take the bull by the horns" implies first fully convinced that decentralization is the shortest path to development and, although there is talk of decentralization decades ago, today is the only way in the absence of ideas and alternative proposals.
This concept - decentralization for development, has acquired an unusual importance to the phenomenon of globalization. We see countries that are blurred to regroup in supranational political and economic structures, while regions and cities is strengthened to recover the identity and to compete for capital and technology. We all yearn to travel the roads of developing countries, where popular sovereignty, equality before the law and confidence in the power of local self-government and regional communities, are guiding principles in our country, longing which are more fervent in the circumstances so dramatic by crossing regions.
In our countries so far only been developed decentralized processes shy, but genuine decentralization that involves giving a self-governing regions chosen for the same region, with broad decision-making power and authority, with budgetary resources managed by the same regions, enabling them to promote regional development based on their own interests and decisions. The proceeds of the tax, they are not equally redistributed among the regions, the capitals focus not only power but also profit. The central government in many years has shown the ability to formulate coherent policies based on decentralization to promote regional development, this shows that you can not manage the regions from hundreds of comfortable offices in the capital. The persistence of a regime viciously potential risks-fired power certainly debatable, the former has to do with economic stability not only regions but the country as a whole, says Sergio Boissier "a country and a strong economy in the long run is a country of" strong regions. "exaggerated territorial macrocephaly is imcompatible with an economy to maintain its macroeconomic balances in the time "other risk areas makes potential sources of discontent, Alvin Toffler explains this in his famous book The Third Wave" Central governments in general continue to impose uniform policies aimed at a mass society, on public increasingly divergent and segmented . They forget or ignore the local and individual needs, making the flames of resentment reached white-hot temperature. As demassification progresses we expect the centrifugal secessionist forces intensified dramatically and threaten the unity of many nation-states. "Such expressions seem to have been written with the current reality of our regions.
The regional development strategies tomorrow must come from Lima or Santiago, if not be done in our regions. Those who live in the regions and we must not tolerate the arrival of instant experts of the capital, barely off the plane, not knowing our reality come to offer their magic bullets to solve our regional problems, it offends our capabilities.
We must take action, if we do we risk becoming complicit in the backwardness of our own regions. The responsibility for change is up to us. Are two choices: join the indolence of mere spectators or to say I play for my region but lose to save them. We begin with ourselves, learning to open our minds to the new, seemingly radical, as we begin to act as genuine decentralist, demonstrate whether or not we are regionalist. Formulate a political project instigator of wills, showing an imaginary am today able to discipline and steer it to the way it attracts the white arrow and the bow tends. Our proposal is to unite efforts in this fight regardless of frontiers, as centralism is not a problem unique to a country, there is also beyond the border and at an even more ferocious version. Diego Benavente paraphrase Millan: together we are always more although we are not close.

Monday, February 1, 2010

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comprehensive consulting services

data and associates Inc. Contact: 054-958590861 - 959147429 E-mail:
comprehensive consulting services
policy How
gains the power? What message do I have to convey? Where are the voters who need it? In politics is modern strategy and tactics that do not respond to these issues and permits to win elections. Voters are keenly aware that politicians have the ability to infect you with images and appearances. Are becoming better informed.
a) Strategy
professional political strategy in a technical process of selling synthesized attributes and issues, concrete evidence, experience, and expertise electoral math of the campaign team.
A good strategy will respond in a few words:
1 -. Why you should vote for our candidate.
2 -. What matters is that communicate, their sequence, frequency, and at what time.
3 -. When we go for a negative campaign and when not.
4 -. What effects should generate voters with our issues.
5 -. When to move and when to respond to the adversary.
b) Planning
DATA on Indeed we offer a comprehensive consulting services policy:
1 -. Making Strategic Reports on:
- The current situation of his party and the chances of success: acceptability of the candidate, levels of identification, levels of like / dislike, depth of knowledge, intention to vote, identifying candidates with the most important constituency, the vulnerability of their opponents.
- The state of the opposition: articles, interviews, public statements on key issues, voting records, previous campaigns, laws, decrees and public office.
2 -. Surveys designed to elicit the views of voters:
- Survey base:
a) Profile of the candidate (identification, like / dislike, depth of knowledge, intention to vote strength of the intention to vote or change their vote, never vote for that candidate, voters' second choice.)
b) Sense of the Electorate (past, present and future) over the region, municipality, neighborhood, his family.
c) Development of the message: main problems of the region, province, district, neighborhood, family, agree / disagree with statements by political opponents, the ability of the Government / Opposition to face major problems, comparing nominations.
d) Identification of media: influence, which listens on what you believe, voter identification through affiliation or political sympathy and habit of voting.
e) Demographics and geography: gender, age, income, education, profession, region, municipality, district voters.
- Tracking Surveys: progress / decline to the point of departure, the impact of the actions of political communication, positioning the candidate and party, index of acceptance / rejection.
- Trackings: daily measurement of changes / trends on specific issues / simulation of seats.
- Focus Groups (Focus groups): measuring electoral language, keywords, exploring new issues, testing of wedges and spots for television and the Internet.
3 -. Setting priority audiences from opinion polls.
4 -. Defining the strategy, positioning and right message for their electoral objectives.
5 -. Building a strong political message, identifying the winners in its territory issues, transforming them into stories and improving their image.
6 -. Designing, planning and executing the Plan of Campaign.
7 -. Making your campaign political advertising on television, radio, print, outdoor, Internet, Mobile, brochures, cards, stationery. From creativity to the Media Plan.
8 -. Formed specifically to campaign spokespeople and candidate debates on television and radio.
9 -. Organizing in an innovative way key event of the season.
10 -. Advice on how to allocate resources internally, equipment and personnel of the campaign and what people and resources will be needed to mobilize the party base.
c) Results
The firm applies to all client projects and internal quality policies and results measurement.
Consulting The purpose of the policy is to improve its electoral position and winning elections.
- Fulfilling the objectives determines our effectiveness. These results are measurable and quantifiable.