Sé patriota y compra casas
The Government requested the assistance of the citizens to absorb the housing stock, is what emerges from the statements of Minister José Blanco at Onda Cero:
http://www.idealista.com/news/archivo / 2011/01/18/0290793-blanco-anima-a-la-poblacion-a-comprar-vivienda-porque-asi-resolveriamos-entre-todos-el-problema-d
is recognized that the economic problem this country is fundamentally about real estate. The housing bubble for so many years denied by the Government once that it has become evident with his jab is now to be the cause of our poor economic health.
For many years we have been talking about the housing bubble knew that his prick would result in a major economic crisis. The solution at the time would have been to prevent the swell, but far from this, the Government, public authorities, Banks and denied their existence in order to make money by encouraging people to buy increasingly expensive homes.
Now again re-appeal to patriotism homebuyer to save the country from the crisis, it's really grotesque. It is asking people to buy a house price are falling continuously, to sacrifice their heritage to clean up the balance sheets of banks and savings banks to charge the government more taxes for property transactions and thus do not have to issue debt markets so they do not trust Spain's solvency.
Getting into a 30-year mortgage is a financial suicide that citizens can be avoided at all costs, much as the government asked. Furthermore, there is a solution, a person who gets such a commitment for life can not consume or save, which is what really reactivate the economy.
The Government is right to recognize that our economic crisis is the fault of the buildings, but the solution is to buy all the leftover. The solution is to lower real estate costs to be comparable to neighboring countries, for example, an average home for a family should be worth between 3.5 to 4 times the annual gross salary thereof. They should also lower real estate costs for companies. Thanks to lower housing costs for individuals and businesses can become more competitive compared to surrounding countries, selling more products and thus revive the economy.
And is that real estate costs and the cost of energy or raw materials to affect decisively the product prices generated by our businesses, making them less competitive. Therefore we must recover lost competitiveness by lowering the cost of more expensive production factor in relation to neighboring countries: real estate.
Now more than ever ... DO NOT BUY ...
Valga nocompresahora.blogspot.com redundancy.