Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Are Butal-apap-325-caff Tabs

basic municipal

In the current Constitution of the country, the municipal issue is considered within its Chapter XIV, "decentralization." This name has been established by Law No. 27,680 (published on 07.03.1902), the same have introduced a set of amendments to that chapter.
In the text of the Constitution, decentralization is understood as a form of democratic organization and is a permanent policy of state binding, which has as main objective the full development of the country, moreover, that the decentralization process is done phased in gradually and ranked according to criteria for appropriate allocation of responsibilities and transfer of resources from the national government to regional and local governments. And establishing the division of the territory of the Republic into regions, departments, provinces and districts, in whose constituencies is constituted and organized by the national government, regional and local levels.
Article 190 of the Constitution states that the regions are created on the basis of integrated adjacent areas historic, cultural, administrative and economically sustainable geoeconomic conforming units. A referendum can integrate two or more districts adjoining department to constitute a region, the same procedure followed by the provinces and districts contiguous to change regional constituency.
According to constitutional rule "The regionalization process started in choosing the current government departments and the constitutional province of Callao. Regional governments have political autonomy, economic and administrative matters within its jurisdiction, coordinate with municipalities without interfering with its functions and powers, promote development and regional economy, promote investment, public services and activities under its responsibility, in line with the policies and national and local plans of development.
The basic organizational structure of those governments to make up the Regional Council as the regulatory and supervisory body, the President and the Executive Body and the Regional Coordinating Council composed of the provincial mayors and representatives of civil society, as an advisory and coordinating with municipalities, with the functions and powers are prescribed by law. The president is elected along with a deputy by direct suffrage for a four (4) years, and may be re-elected Regional Council members are elected in the same manner and for the same period. The mandate of these authorities is revocable and irrevocable, according to law.
The Constitution states that the provincial and district municipalities are local government bodies, and have political autonomy, economic and administrative matters within its competence. Also, the City Council under the regulatory and inspection functions, and the mayor, the executive functions. It also establishes the municipalities of the towns are created according to law.
mayors and councilors are elected by direct suffrage for a term of four (4) years. May be reappointed. Its mandate is revocable but indispensable.
local governments promote local economic development and the provision of public services under their responsibility, in line with national policies and plans and regional development. And, they are responsible for:
1. Approve their internal organization and budget.
2. Approving the local development plan agreed with civil society.
3. Manage your assets and income.
4. Create, modify and eliminate taxes, fees, taxes, licenses and municipal rights, according to law.
5. Organize, regulate and manage local public services under their responsibility.
6. Urban planning and rural development in their constituencies, including zoning, planning and territorial organization.
7. Promoting competitiveness, investment and financing for projects and local infrastructure.
8. Develop and regulate activities or services in education, health, housing, sanitation, environment, sustainability of natural resources, public transport, traffic and transit, tourism, conservation of archaeological and historical monuments, culture, recreation and sport, according to law.
9. Legislative initiative on issues and matters within its competence.
10. Exercising the powers inherent in their function, according to law.
It establishes that property and income of the municipalities:
1. Movable and immovable property.
2. The taxes created by law in their favor.
3. Contributions, fees, taxes, licenses and fees established by municipal ordinances, according to law.
4. Economic rights generated by the privatizations, concessions and services that they provide, according to law.
5. FONCOMUN-allocated resources, which is redistributive, according to law.
6. Specific transfers allocated the annual budget law.
7. The resources allocated by monthly fees.
8. The proceeds of its financial operations, including those requiring the approval of the State under the law.
9. Others determined by law.
According to the Constitution of the Republic's capital is not part of any region, with special arrangements in the organic laws on decentralization and municipalities, also border municipalities have special arrangements in the organic law of municipalities. The Metropolitan Municipality of Lima has responsibility within the scope of the Province of Lima.
is stated expressly In addition, the municipalities promote, support and regulate resident participation in local development also provide public safety services with the cooperation of the National Police of Peru. On the other hand, adds that regional and local governments are controlled by their own supervisory bodies and bodies with such allocation under the Constitution or law, and subject to the control and supervision of the Comptroller General of the Republic, the must organize a system of decentralized control and permanent.
Finally, the Constitution provides that the regional governments and municipalities formulate their budgets with the participation population and annually render an account of his execution.


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